Friday, November 27, 2015

I quitted smoking, day 6

Friday. If I should drink do I fall for smoking, again? I guess safe bet would be not drink, but after all I am not in the mood of drinking, now that I feel more energetic when I haven't been smoking.

I should have measured my blood pressure before I quitted smoking so I could have a reference point how much smoking affected my blood pressure. Well for now it's a bit too late as it take few days to see affects. And before you start saying that your blood pressure will drop around 15-60 minutes after last smoke, while it is true, it's still elevated compared to not smoking at all. 

So benefits so far:

  • sense of smell and taste is better
  • better periferic blood flow
  • no stuffed nose, better breathing
  • blood pressure has dropped
  • sleep quality is better and feel more energetic in the morning
  • more money to spend on my car
And all this in less than week after I quitted smoking.  Let's see what this evening has stored for me...

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