Monday, November 23, 2015

I quitted smoking, day 2.

So, Yesterday went well. Didn't crave for a smoke at all. One thing that I have noticed in the morning is that I didn't have stuffed nose. It was good morning to wake up. I didn't have any urges to go first to balcony to smoke days first cigarette.

"48 hours
Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. Cessation anger and irritability will have peaked."

I don't have anger or irritability problems at all, but I have started crave for candy and snack. This is going to be problem when you quit smoking. As your sense of smell comes back, you will start to crave for food, sncaks, candies, all kind of treats.

So far I have kept my mind busy and sweet tooth hasn't been a problem. I should have weighted myself to see how much I am going to gain in the first few weeks. Well one day doesn't make that much of difference, now does it?

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