Thursday, December 3, 2015

I quitted smoking, day 11.

It has been now a bit over week and I am feeling fine. I have noticed that even though my nose is still a bit stuffed I can breath more easier and I have read that, after two or three weeks without smoking, my lungs may start to feel clear, and I'll start breathing easier. Also blood circulation in my gums and teeth are now similar to that of a non-user. That may explain why I have a tiny bleed in gums as they are healing now.

No more candy or sweet cravings and I have keep my eating under control. Yes, I do have extra bit occasionally but the point is not to make it too hard for myself. And it's better to have once in while a bit of treat for yourself and have more calories in a day than you consume, so that your body doesn't think that you aren't getting food enough and go in to save mode and try to halt your fat burning known as plateau, where your metabolism decreases. It doesn't stop it completely but slow it down. Your body tries to save your energy by adapting to lower intake by decreasing your metabolic rate.

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